Saturday, August 14, 2010

the day......

the day thiings go right is the day i no longer have to be hear but that wont ever happen darryl wont let it but i love him all the more for it .emmae is so excited about going in to grade 1 in a new school and i make new friends . and i am happy that my life is going

but then nothing in my life is going right at lest for right now but i just keep hoping that it will some day at lest i still have hope!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

i am moving on with my life!!

even though i am still mad about all the shit terias has put me through i am more willing to forget that i know her and that she stole my kid from me and i hope that abbi can see what she is doing to her and run as far away as she can get but that might not happen for a long time and by that time the damage will have been done and she will have to deal with the shit that goes with it. i can say that my life is much better now that terisa is not a part of it . we are moving in 1 week and i cant wait to see my new home it is so nice from what i hvave been told about it . it has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and i will have a walk in closet i can't wait to see it.